Rosebud AI at GTC. Generative AI: New Horizons in Creative Workflows 🎨

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Lisha Li, CEO of Rosebud AI, Cristóbal Valenzuela, Co-Founder & CEO of Runway, Ashlee Martino-Tarr, 3D Workflow Specialist at NVIDIA, Paul Trillo, Director at Trillo Films, and Pinar Seyhan Demirdag, Director at Seyhan Lee, come together in a panel at Nvidia's GTC to discuss and explore the integration of generative AI into artistic workflows. The talk provides unique perspectives on the dynamic relationship between art and technology, as the panelists share their insights on various topics, ranging from innovative visual experiences to the enhancement of traditional art forms. Guided by moderator Jeremy Krinitt, Senior Developer Relations Manager at NVIDIA, this discussion delves into the transformative potential of AI in shaping the future of art. 

Lisha Li delves into various aspects of AI used in game development, such as asset generation, code generation and user generated content creation. She emphasizes how AI can enhance creative workflows, driving ideation and fostering creativity in unexpected collaborative interfaces.

The discussion highlights the evolving relationship between generative AI and artists, how it aims to seamlessly integrate AI into existing workflows and also establish new ones.

Watch the talk here: NVIDIA Panel Discussion

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